And so the adventure continues. Yes, I have FINALLY made it to London!!! After months of frustration with the Home Office (the UK Immigration office in
Sheffield, England) all I have to say is this.....
One work permit denied;
Moving to another country without Wade (more
work permit issues);
Watching Sheffield get flooded in June 2007....
Okay, yes a little
callous I know. Seriously though, they did mess with our lives during our 4 month appeal process. And yes, I am in London on my own while Wade temporarily moved back to Cayman to then transfer to Dublin in July 2007. So this is our adventure now. We commute between London & Dublin and everywhere in between! Good thing we moved to Europe for the main reason of travel!!!!

Anyhow, putting bitterness aside, I am settling into London slowly but surely. It is a big move and much more difficult than Cayman. Lucky for me there are a lot of great ex-Cayman people here to make London feel more homey. Plus am really starting to take advantage of everything London has to offer...SHOPPING (okay seriously deprived after living in Cayman for 4 years), theatre, comedy clubs, more pubs and restaurants than you can even imagine and well of course location, location, location. What a great jumping off spot for travel
across Europe!!!
Stay tuned for our adventures. Although, I suspect that Wade probably won't keep a blog for Dublin ... so you'll just have to stay tuned into Rena in London.
Tally Hoe!