For just over 4 years, Grand Cayman, B.W.I. was our home away from home. This little mecca in the middle of the caribbean allowed us to "live the dream" of living and working in the Caribbean. Too bad we had to work otherwise it would have been even more enjoyable!

Our time was certainly not without it's trials and tribulations, however, I am sure we will look back upon it as a highlight in our life. Where else can you work in one of the largest financial centers of the world, albeit cows are tied to trees and chickens roam the streets, and have a world class beach holiday every weekend? I think one of the radio stations in Cayman sums it up best when they say "They [tourists] pay $5,000 a week to be here, you live here." It is very easy to lose sight of that when you are frustrated with the often "no worries mon" attitude of the island, particularly when you are in rush to get something done.
We will cherish the friendships and the fond memories this little island afforded us and it will forever remain in our hearts.