So here we are back in paradise or so we thought. Our return to island life reminded us that paradise is just that...…a pair of dice. Somedays you win and somedays you lose. If it were perfect, they would call it Heaven. Our first few days were definitely a losing streak having to deal with local laissez faire customer service and government bureaucracy (reminded us of why we left!!!). However, once we got the car and the water running, driving other people's cars and living in other people's houses is a good life!!! We crashed in on all our friends lives like a couple of crazy tourists bound to have two months of fun and earn our first paycheques of 2006. I'd have to say that soon everything was coming up our way. Life really doesn't get much better than leaving a stress free job at 5 everyday and enjoying a tropical Caribbean island to the fullest in your downtime. Plus, we had a gang of friends to catch up with and party, party, party with. Wouldn't you know it, Wade and I were both sick within 2 weeks of getting to the island. Too many late nights I guess!!!!

Unlike our previous departure, we were very sad to leave this time round. Although adventure once again beckons, we will very much miss all of our friends and the island life. Who knows, we may be back in the future, however, after a welcome back party and two going away parties under our belts, we may not be taken seriously the third time round!
Cheers Cayman!